We can provide refunds if you are unable to attend an event held by UK Running Events Ltd due to the following circumstances and have purchased Ticket Protect for that ticket (sold on a per ticket basis):
- Illness / Injury
- Death
- Pregnancy Complication
- Pre-existing Medical Condition
- Mechanical Breakdown
- Flight Disruption
- Public Transport Failure
- Relocated for Work
- Home Emergency
- Examination Date Change
- Emergency Circumstances
- Jury Service
- Court Summons
- Armed Forces & Emergency Services Recall
- Event Postponement or Cancellation
Please note to receive a refund you will be required to provide evidence and is subject to the
General Terms
of Ticket Protect.
A refundable ticket is an optional extension to our standard terms and conditions, and it provides a refund
for the above listed circumstances only.
You must read the General Terms of Refund, and the specific terms section below, for full information on
what we will and will not refund in each circumstance.
General Terms of Ticket Protect
will not refund your booking because it is no longer wanted.
reason for refund must not have been known at the time of booking.
will be required to provide any evidence at your own expense.
must take all reasonable measures to prevent a refund request.
You will not receive a refund in the following circumstances:
to comply with any law
it exceeds 18 months from the date you originally booked onto the event
the claim is received greater than 30 days after the event
How to Apply for a Refund
To apply for a refund, you must complete a refund request form. This should be completed as soon as possible
and no later than 30 days after the event you booked onto was due to take place.
Please see the following table for what is required to receive a refund in each individual circumstance:
Evidence Required
When will a refund NOT be issued?
Illness / Injury |
Unforeseen/ accidental illness or injury to you or your immediate family.
Doctors note, the date of occurrence, and confirmation that this prevented you from attending an
If the required evidence cannot be provided.
Death of you, your immediate family, or persons detailed in the booking up to 4 weeks before the
Death Certificate.
Death of persons not part of your immediate family or listed as part of the booking.
Pregnancy Complication
Complication of pregnancy which you were uninformed of prior to making your booking and means
that you can no longer attend the event.
Dated doctors note and confirmation that this prevented you from attending an event.
Normal pregnancy.
If part of a group booking, we will not refund the entire booking.
Pre-existing Medical Condition
Physical or mental health conditions that you have been made aware of after the booking was made
and prevents you from attending an event.
Doctors note, the date it occurred, and confirmation that this prevented you from attending an
If your pre-existing medal condition was previously known or does not prevent you from attending
an event.
Mechanical Breakdown
Breakdown, theft, or fire in the 24 hours prior to the event of the vehicle which would
otherwise be the only means of transport to the event.
For a breakdown we require a copy of the call out note from your breakdown recovery service.
An incident number or report from the Police or relevant traffic authority.
If you did not leave enough time to reach an event, for example, if you get stuck in heavy
You did not arrange reasonable alternative transport to the event, for example, through use of
public transport.
Flight Disruption
Cancellation or delay of flights which prevents you from attending an event which you could not
have reasonably foreseen at the time of booking.
Notice of cancellation/ disruption and a copy of your airline tickets.
If you were aware of the disruption prior to making the booking.
Financial failure of transport provider.
If the event is cancelled and this was the purpose for booking your flight.
Public Transport Failure
Unanticipated disruption or failure of public transport which would otherwise be the only means
of travel to an event.
Copy of notice of disruption or failure which you could not have reasonably foreseen at the time
of booking.
Financial failure of the public transport provider.
Relocated for Work
If you are required to move address by your employer which you were unaware of at the time of
booking. The address that you have been relocated to must be more than 100 miles from your
address at the time of booking.
Letter from your employer confirming the relocation of address.
Business travel.
Relocation must be for 3 months or more.
Voluntary relocation to a new address, for example, moving to a new house.
Home Emergency
Fire, flood, burglary, or purposeful damage to your permanent residence up to 48 hours prior to
an event which you were unaware of at the time of booking.
For the case of flood, burglary, or purposeful damage -evidence from your home insurance company
for the submission of the claim.
For the case of Fire - fire service or police report.
If you cannot provide evidence.
Emergency Circumstances
Unforeseen circumstances out of your control. The decision to issue a refund is therefore at the
discretion of our customer service team. We will consider your circumstances but we are under no
obligation to issue a refund.
Any evidence we may request from you.
Anything which our customer service team considers is not a valid reason for a refund.
Examination date change
Changes to the date of an examination for a course which you were enrolled on at the time of
Exam board notice of date change of your examination.
When you are required to re sit an examination that you have previously failed.
Jury Service
If you are summoned to attend a jury service which you were unaware of at the time of booking.
Copy of the letter summoning you to jury service.
If you cannot provide evidence.
Court Summons
If you are summoned to act as a witness in court on the day of an event which you were unaware
of at the time of booking.
Copy of court summons.
Any Court Summons in which you are a named Defendant in Criminal Proceedings or where you are
the subject of Criminal Proceedings.
Armed Forces and Emergency Services Recall
If you are a member of the Armed Forces, Reserve Armed Forces, or Emergency Services, and are
recalled to work on the date of an event or are posted overseas and cannot attend a booking. You
must not be aware of these circumstances prior to making the booking.
A letter from your Commanding Officer to confirm being called into work, which is different from
your schedule at the time of booking.
If your annual leave request was rejected for the date of an event.
If you were aware that you had work on the day of an event at the time of booking.
We/Us/Our – UK Running Events Ltd with which you made your booking
You/Your/Yourself – a person who has made a booking with UK Running Events Ltd.
Armed Forces – Naval Service, Marines, Army or Air Force.
Attend – participate in, take part in, use, or be present at.
Booking – The pre-planned and pre-booked event(s) with UK Running Events Ltd booked by you.
Doctor – a qualified medical practitioner registered and licensed with a recognised professional body. A
doctor cannot be you or a member of your family.
Emergency Services – Police, Fire and Rescue Service or other Emergency Services.
Immediate family – your husband, wife, partner, civil partner, parent, child, brother, sister, grandmother or grandfather, or stepfamily.
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